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COVID-19: Germany Makes Face Masks Compulsory

COVID-19: Germany Makes Face Masks Compulsory

2020/4/23  7:22:12 a.m.


  More than 150,000 people diagnosed in Germany have launched a "mask injunction"

  China News Agency, Berlin, April 22 (Reporter Peng Dawei) On the 22nd, the cumulative number of people diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia in Germany exceeded 150,000. As of that day, all 16 federal states of Germany have introduced regulations that require the public to wear masks on public transportation and other occasions.

On the afternoon of April 20, pedestrians wearing masks on the streets of Berlin.   According to the German "Times Online" report, as of 20:52 on the 22nd local time, a total of 150085 people were diagnosed in Germany, 91612 people were cured, and 5247 people died.

Although the resolution reached earlier this month by the German federal government and the cantonal governments only used the expression "strongly recommend wearing masks," as the April 20th "unblocking" and the resumption of May 4th approached, the states Mask injunctions were issued one after another. On the 22nd, including Germany's most populous NRW, six federal states that had not yet announced a "mask injunction" also joined the ranks. So far, at the latest until April 29, all of Germany will implement this regulation.

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